Does Green Tea help in digestion?

Green tea is considered one of the best all-natural ways to relieve and prevent common stomach issues.

Did you know that Green tea has been used in Japan for generations for many health purposes? Yes, one among them is to improve one’s digestion. Green tea is considered one of the best all-natural ways to relieve and prevent common stomach issues.

Containing polyphenols, it also helps to improve the body’s digestive process. Further, drinking green tea regularly helps the body break food down more effectively. Few studies on the same also show that EGCG (the compound epigallocatechin gallate) works to lessen rash in one’s gastrointestinal tract. Thus green tea also gains access to more of the EGCG compound.

Further, if you are always afflicted by gas or excessive flatulence, you likely have to avoid drinking or eating certain foods to ensure you don’t pass gas as frequently. However, green tea has been proven to treat excessive gas. Further, IBD or inflammatory bowel disease can come about due to inflammation of the GI tract. As green tea can be used to fight inflammation, this is an excellent way to treat any inflammation you may be feeling as a result of IBD.

One of the amazing facts about green tea is according to some research, green tea can reduce one’s risk of developing stomach cancer. Though green tea is hardly a cure-all for cancer, drinking this beverage is a great way to take advantage of the polyphenols it contains.